DermaRenew Medical Spa
DermaRenew Medical Spa
2405 Schofield Avenue, Suite 130
Weston, WI 54476
Office Phone: (715) 355-1616
Office Fax: (715) 355-1666
After Hours: (715) 302-0111 or (715) 253-4540
Permanent Hair Reduction
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) for hair removal is your solution if you live with unwanted hair and find that too much of your time and money is consumed by waxing, shaving, using creams or electrolysis. Electrolysis is effective, but since it only treats one hair follicle at a time, it is not practical for large areas and can be extremely time-consuming.
IPL selectively destroys hundreds of follicles upon each pulse of light delivered without harming the surrounding skin. The light absorbed by the pigment in the follicles is transformed into heat, which can safely disable the follicle. The heat loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. Since pigment is necessary to treat effectively, we cannot treat gray, blonde or silver hair.
Since hair follicles grow in cycles, it is impossible to treat all the viable hair follicles in one session. To be effective, a series of 8 treatments is necessary. To target the active growth cycle, the treatments are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. During this time, it is important to only shave or clip the new hair growth. No waxing, plucking or hair removal creams should be used since the hair shaft must be intact for the light energy to be transmitted to the hair bulb.
Almost all areas, such as face (except around the eyes), back, chest, shoulders, legs and arms can be treated effectively, quickly and safely.
