Lavita Laser LLC
Lavita Laser LLC
13545 Watertown Plank Rd
Elm Grove, WI 53122
Phone:(262) 784-8888
Erin K. Lehto, R.N., B.S.N. has more than 28 years of nursing experience. Before pursuing a career in aesthetic nursing, she had been a senior surgical nurse in the Cardiovascular Operating Team at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, where she participated in the state's first pediatric heart transplant.
Erin has had extensive training in aesthetic nursing, and opened LaVita Laser Medical Spa in 2007. She is considered an expert injector with an artistic approach, according to her peers. She has been certified in medical laser use since 1987. Erin is an active member of The Aesthetics Nurses Association.
Dr. Debra Hass is the Medical Director of LaVita Laser Medical Spa. Dr. Haas is a family practioner with clinics in Hartland and West Bend, Wisconsin. Dr. Haas has a special interest in cosmetic aesthetics.
Your relationship with us is built on mutual trust and respect. We honor your privacy and uphold the client/care provider code of ethics and confidentiality.
Copyright 2008 by Lavita Laser
