Aesthetica Skin Health Center
Aesthetica Skin Health Center
2261 Deming Way
Middleton , WI 53562
Have you tried different treatments for your skin? Stop the guessing game. At AestheticA Skin Health Center, Facial specialist Dr. Richard C. Parfitt, licensed Aestheticians, and Nurses are committed to serving your unique needs with their considerable knowledge, training and experience.
We realize that the number of treatment options available are plentiful and often confusing. Through consultation, it is our goal to eliminate the confusion and instill confidence in your decision to invest in your skin’s health. Whether you're considering BOTOX®, Dysport, Dermal Fillers such as Restylane® or Juvederm®, Skin Peels, Intense Pulsed Light or Laser Therapy, or prescriptive skin care, it’s important to us to provide you with obtainable, natural-looking results in a time- and cost-efficient manner.
We look forward to presenting you with the best options for your unique skin condition and concerns and guiding you on a path to obtaining and maintaining the beautiful, vibrant and healthy skin that you deserve!
< ~ Dr. Richard and Peggy Parfitt
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Dr. Richard Parfitt is featured in the Winter/Spring 2010 edition of New Beauty magazine, which is due on newsstands the first week of January.
Dr. Richard Parfitt , a Madison and Appleton area surgeon, specializing in cosmetic facial surgery and skin care, has been featured in New Beauty® magazine, along with photographs of 3 of his surgical patients. Dr. Parfitt, a Wisconsin native, trained in Beverly Hills, California and has been in private practice in Wisconsin for over 13 years. The magazine features Madonna on the cover, while Dr. Parfitt’s patients and his comments about the before-and-after photos, are featured in the magazine’s main article, starting on page 178.
Look for it on stands at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Walgreen's, CostCo and other local retail stores.
AestheticA Skin Health Center, 608.831.4007 608.831.4007 or 920.730.1309 920.730.1309
Two Locations: 2261 Deming Way ♦ Middleton, WI 53562 — 59 Park Place, Suite 100 ♦ Appleton, WI 54914
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